Dark forces

 Dark forces are the highest authorities that govern and sanction any powerful spell. Miscarriage spells fall under powerful spells that aim to change the norm, i.e., killing an unborn child. Only powerful spell casters like Maxim can summon the dark forces to veto any powerful miscarriage spell.

Since you're killing an innocent child using miscarriage spells, you must involve the dark forces by stating clear intentions and reasons. You also have to be cautious to avoid facing the dark forces' wrath.

An inexperienced spell caster may not be able to summon the dark forces because they have weak powers. On the other hand, experienced spell casters possess strong powers that they can use to contact the Gods to sanction any miscarriage spell. Also, once they seek permission, they can cast protection spells that can shield you from any consequences should the miscarriage spell fail to work.


So understanding how these dark forces work can help you avoid many consequences which can follow you, your family, or loved ones forever.


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