Real love spells that work

   Magic, which history can be traced back several thousand years ago, doesn’t have real love spells that work when cast by inexperienced sorcerers. Whatever you can find is either a simple love spell with a tag “The most powerful!” or “Guaranteed result!” or a truly powerful spell which can’t be cast by beginners successfully.

Why? Because websites offering free love spells, actually provide misleading information and basically lie to users, knowingly or unknowingly. The thing is they are run by people who don’t practice magic. These people don’t realize their content is misleading, while experienced spellcasters like myself, spellcaster Maxim website, notice it right away.

The first type of misleading information is when simple actions, such as setting simple mental goals or wishing something with all your heart, are presented as a powerful magic ritual.

The second type of misleading information is when people are assured they are able to cast a strong love spell which in fact they can’t cast.

The third type of misleading information is also the most common type of lies. It’s when proven working spells are simplified to enable less experienced sorcerers and witches to cast them and expect decent results. For example, they take a love spell which requires the following ingredients and preparations:

- Special candles with rare herbs grown somewhere in Old England blended in the wax;

- An altar with over a hundred and twenty successful love spells belonging either to black or to white magic cast on it;

- A special magic book which can cost up to $40k which contains and guards sacred knowledge and has a special influence on the sorcerer and everyone else involved;

- Fire from a tree which was struck by a lightening (the sorcerer needs to deliver the wood to the place where the ritual is performed and keep the fire burning throughout the whole process);

- Water from twelve different natural springs;

- And, let’s say, a special copper mirror polished with sand manually (versus factory-made or workshop-made mirrors).

What do liars do to attract your attention to their website and make you come back? They simplify the list and here’s what’s left from it:

- White candles;

- A table with nothing on it;

- A copy of the spell text;

- A lighter and matches;

- A water bottle;

- A small mirror.

Each of the required ingredients is supposed to double or triple the spellcaster’s powers (sometimes increase it by 10 times!), while the sacred spell text and the book of magic connect him to a special egregor giving access to the energy of Higher Worlds. As a result, a love spell that works is cast. When you use the simplified version, you get nothing and only waste your time. More importantly, you lose faith in real love spells.


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