How to make love spells on food

  People have been practicing magic for thousands of years, while photos and phones which are so widely used by magic practitioners today, made their way into our life only recently. How did they cast love spells in the past then? What did they do when they needed to find out how to make love spells? They cast spells through food. Food love spells were very popular and quite effective, too. In this article I, spellcaster Maxim, will tell you about how to make a love spell through food. I’ll start with the basics. First of all, before you start your ritual, make sure you’ll have an opportunity to get the target to eat your magic food during the specified period of time as indicated in the ritual description. Food can be given magical power for a limited period of time. Usually it’s significantly less effective in just one day, while in two days food loses its magical power completely. Secondly, unless otherwise specified in the ritual description, your loved one should eat your magical food within 48 hours. Thirdly, if you fail to get your loved one to eat your magical food within the specified period of time, you should destroy the food as soon as possible. Otherwise, it’ll get bad but in a magical sense. It means its magical charge will first change from positive to neutral and then become negative and attract dangerous otherworldly powers. Below are some guidelines on how to get rid of magical food: - Take a new wash basin; - Pour some ice cold water into the basin; - Put the food together with the plate into the basin; - Mash and mix the food until it looks like soup; - Take the basin outside and pour the soup out; - Put the basin and the plate into a trash bag and throw it into a garbage container; - Take a shower; - Clean up your apartment and especially the room where you performed the love ritual; - Take a shower again. Fourthly, if you try to cast a love spell and fail, don’t try to recast the spell. A failure to cast a spell is a sure sign that you don’t have enough energy and strength to perform the ritual, meaning you should reach out to a professional magic practitioner.


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