But it’s not the only danger coming from a voodoo love spell. Powerful voodoo love spells are also dangerous because they stay effective longer than traditional love spells (I, spellcaster Maxim, prefer these spells) and they’re very hard to break.
In my experience, about 30% of my clients come back to me 3-5 years after I cast a spell for them (this is how long traditional love spells work on average) and ask me to cast a new spell, while the majority of my clients don’t mind having to break up because by that time they want to start over with someone new. A small percentage of my clients ask me to break the love spell I cast for them even before the spell starts to wear out.
The reason is people rarely understand what kind of person the target really is. People tend to have a better opinion of someone when they’re in love. They’re blinded by love. When they start dating this person and especially move in together, they realize the target is not the person they thought he or she was. Eventually they realize their feelings for the target aren’t that strong and they don’t want to spend the rest of their life with the target.
I encourage my clients to reach out to me as soon as possible and ask me to undo the love spell if they think their relationship with the target won’t work. If everything goes well, they break up peacefully and even remain friends with the target.
It never works like this when voodoo is involved. It’s so difficult to remove a voodoo spell that just a handful of modern spellcasters are able to do it. So when your feelings fade, the target will still be madly in love with you. The more you try to leave, the more addicted the target will be to you. In addition, the target will be even more jealous and controlling than before and will probably end up stalking you which can be dangerous too.
So think twice before you use a voodoo spell. Talk to me and maybe I’ll offer you a better solution.
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